Cuda Top Loader Parts Washer
2216 Series
A powerful punch bundled in a compact package
The 2216 Series is a compact top-load automatic, aqueous parts washer with a 22" turntable and 16" work height that fits most commercial applications. It features a 1 HP mechanical seal with flush tube style pump.
Aqueous parts washers clean faster and better without using harmful solvents!
Cuda automatic parts washers provide a safe and efficient solution to cleaning parts because they don’t use harmful cleaning solvents to clean. Our automatic parts washers also provide a time-saving, easy parts cleaning solution for your staff allowing them to simultaneously clean parts while performing other tasks.
Automatic Low-Water Shutoff
Safeguards heating element from undue wear.
Instantly turns the parts washers off if the water level drops too low.
Oil Collection
Built-in oil skimmer and optional oil drain container removes and collects oil from cleaning solution in sump.
Customize and Accessorize
Customize your parts washer to your specific needs, like this pneumatic power brush, so washing becomes the easiest part of the work day.
Detergents Extend Your Warranty
The 90-day labor warranty for all Cuda Kärcher Group parts washers is automatically extended to a 1-year labor warranty with exclusive use of our solvent free detergents. Our parts washers are also covered by a 1-year parts warranty.